Thursday, July 7, 2011

Suwon World Cup Stadium

     Suwon is home to the world cup soccer stadium where, go figure, the world cup was played a few years back.  Suwon's team is called the Bluewings.  I have never been to a soccer game in my life, but all of my friends were going so I decided to tag along. I only know the very basics about soccer, but it was still a ton of fun! People were waving flags and there was a lot of chanting and singing. I managed to learn a few words to some of the chants. I mostly just learned the vowels though. I had those "Oooooos" down! Oddly enough there was actually a live band there that was playing during the entire game to get the crowd pumped up. They played a lot of Beatles songs, but of course the lyrics were in Korean. It was still freaking awesome though!
     The only disappointing part was that I was starving and the food options really sucked. One of my favorite things about going to sporting events back home is all the delicious food that is available. I was really missing AT&T Park's delicious hot dogs and garlic fries.  At the soccer match my food options were just different types of chips. On the bright side the chips and beer they were selling were very cheap.  I had a really good time and will definitely see a few more games during my time here.
        Oh! I of course almost forgot the most important part. The Bluewings won! It was pretty exciting, because apparently they are actually a terrible team and rarely win. So yay! Losing my soccer game virginity was a success!!!
Action shot!

Check out the flags. I have no idea why there was a flag with Che Guevara's face on it. The Koreans are strange like that.

Also a French flag was flying. My only explanation for that is that those are also the Bluewing's colors.

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