Tuesday, May 31, 2011

First Day of Work

          I arrived in Korea on Sunday night and Monday afternoon I started work. Not only did I start work on Monday, I literally started teaching on Monday. I had a brief meeting with my new boss and the other new elementary school teacher that covered some basic information. I then did a mock classroom role play for about then minutes. After this though I was in a classroom with about 10 children staring at me. Luckily it was the last day of the semester so we were just doing review. Teaching is definitely not going to be as easy as I hoped it would be. It's going to be a lot of hard work and there will probably be a lot of stressful and frustrating days. I am just hoping that the fun days outnumber the bad ones.
       The school, since it's a private academy, is not divided by grades but by levels. I will be teaching Little Avalon, which is the most basic level and consists of mainly first and second graders. This class will probably be the most challenging for me. I also am going to be teaching at least two other classes, which are going to be higher levels.  In a normal week, when I don't have to sub anyone's classes, I will work from 1:30-9:30 p.m. and teach three classes per day five days a week. Ideally this schedule will give me plenty of time to grade essays and to prep.
       The classes that I taught are not going to be my classes for the semester. I was just subbing for one of the foreign teachers who had already gone back to the states. Starting on Thursday and Friday I will get my classes that I have for the entire semester. Cross your fingers that they are all angelic!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Hannah. It's Alicia. It's so cool that you're teaching little ones. I'm sure they'll all be angelic for you. Then again, my most challenging kids are also the ones who sneak in and steal my heart. So in a weird way, I hope you get some like that, too.
